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I’m Ariana Nedelman, an audio producer based in Boston, MA. I’m the co-founder of Not Sorry, where I co-created Harry Potter and the Sacred Text and now produce The Real Question and Hot and Bothered. In my spare time, I work on the independent audio project When We All Get to Heaven. I have my BA from the University of Chicago, a graduate certificate from The Salt Institute of Documentary Studies, and I enjoyed a brief stint at Harvard Divinity School before dropping out in 2017 to pursue podcasting. I don’t believe in God, but if I did I think she’d forgive me.

I’m interested in the edges of permissibility in our culture. Which identities and ideas do we embrace in a pluralistic ‘tolerant’ orientation to the world, and which do we reject? What kind of communities are created at the margins of deviance, and what counter-narratives do they construct? More specifically, I’m interested in mental illness and suicide, expressions of gender and sexuality, and how the internet mediates the construction of new identities.